
About WCC

World Crypto Community (WCC) is an international community of cryptocurrency traders, buyers, and sellers. It is a place where investors come first to grab lucrative cryptocurrency deals.

The core members of WCC bring exciting offers for cryptocurrency buyers thereby helping them earn a huge profit in a short span of time.


Why WCC?

Every crypto project needs a strong userbase to operate successfully, and we offer them a readymade userbase. In return, we get their cryptocurrency at a discounted rate.

Registered users of WCC can get a healthy discount or extraordinary bonus by staking their coins or tokens with us. Hence, it’s a win-win situation for both parties

There are multiple reasons to choose WCC for token Staking.

Firstly, WCC is a specialized platform where you can see upcoming high-potential crypto projects.

Secondly, our projects offer extra bonuses to all the community members

Thirdly, we help cryptocurrency owners to stake their cryptocurrency for a period of time to get earnings in terms of more cryptocurrency.


How Do We work?

You can make money with us by staking your ALBA tokens with us. We only accept ALBA tokens for staking, and we give bonuses and profits in the form of ALBA tokens. Please note that we do not pay in fiat currency and any other cryptocurrency other than ALBA tokens.

The price of ALBA tokens may rise, decline, or stay constant in the future, and we have nothing to do with ALBA token price. We will pay your profits and bonuses in the form of ALBA tokens.

For example, if you stake 1,000 ALBA tokens with us and we are supposed to pay a 10% bonus at the end of the staking period, you will get 1,100 ALBA tokens at the end of the staking period.

We are not responsible for inflation, price depreciation, and other price fluctuation causing factors. We do not commit any price guarantee

Who You Want To Be?

A Trader?

Traders only make small profits in the short term.


A Investor?

Investor makes bigger profits in the long run.


Stakers are Millionaires

Cryptocurrency staking refers to putting a lock on a particular number of coins or tokens on the blockchain network for a fixed period where the coins or token owner cannot withdraw them, thereby making them illiquid.

You can stake your cryptocurrency for one year, two years, three years, four years, five years, and more. In the cryptocurrency world, staking is one of the best ways to earn money through cryptocurrency.

Staking your cryptocurrency for a long period of time comes with great benefits.

For example, if you stake your cryptocurrency for five years, you can multiply your existing cryptocurrency. The rate of return varies from cryptocurrency to cryptocurrency.

If you own ALBA tokens, you can double them by staking with WCC.
